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Study finds weed killer in 80% of people’s (rhymes with flee).

By Austin Michael Jul 19, 2022 | 8:04 PM

There’s a good chance that stuff that kills weeds is in your pee. The CDC did a study and found that about 80% of the people in the study had the chemical glyphosate in their urine. Glyphosate, used in weed killer is such a big cancer concern that last year, Round Up stopped selling all of their products with the chemical in them. They pulled everything from the shelves because they’re facing thousands of lawsuits over it causing non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma.  So, you can see why the CDC found the results, as they put it, “disturbing”.

Even though they pulled the products, Glyphosate is still the world’s most used herbicide. So, we’re pretty much absorbing it from everything we eat.

The good news is that there are companies that produce food that is free of the chemical. The Detox Project certifies them and has a list. The bad news is that I’ve only seen one of them in a grocery store. That’s Chosen Foods and they pretty much only do oils. Here’s the list if you’d like a look. Outside of that, I saw a study that showed even “organic” foods had glyphosate in them, but much lower levels.