Toys R Us is trying to make a comeback. They’re placing smaller versions of their store inside of all the Macy’s across the United States. Store sizes will vary, but some will have as much as 10 to 13 thousand square feet.
It kind of feels like it’s been a looooong time since they closed down, but they just shut down the last of their own stores last year. And I think it’s been 3 years since the one in Lincoln closed. Oh, there were some good deals then. I made my nephews really happy that Christmas. Then Toys R US teamed up with Target to sell their toys a couple of years ago. Now, Toys R Us has new owners. That, along with toy sales going through the roof since the pandemic began, made an opening for them to try again.
Toy sales brought in $29 billion last year. Mostly because toys are way overpriced compared to hen I was a kid. Ain’t no way I’m ever going to pay $160 for a small set of LEGOs like they’re asking for now. Not for little chunks of plastic that cost $2.13 to make. I saw my nieces badger my brother into buying them each $600 phones one Christmas when they were 12 and 9. You know what the budget was when he and I were kids? The budget was “whatever is left over after paying the bills and making sure you kids get something to eat”. That’s what the budget was.
Now get off my lawn.